Coco Shea Oil

Feb 19, 2024

Coco Oil and Shea Butter combine their many virtues in this 100% organic body oil. Used for thousands of years, coconut oil has still undiscovered properties and is very popular with traditional tropical cultures!

Coco Shea Oil

Coconut is a multi-purpose oil. Wonderful for use in both the kitchen as well as for body care, it's what everyone is talking about!

Suitable for both dry and mixed skin, coconut oil is quickly absorbed by the epidermis to nourish and protect it against the elements. The Polynesians infuse it with Tiaré flowers to create their famous Monoi oil which gives their hair its legendary softness and health.

Coconut's nutritional richness allows it to hydrate the skin but also to soothe skin irritations, like after hair removal for example. Its many other properties allow for uses as varied as toothpaste to cooking oil safe, natural and wonderful.

Ideal for massage, Coconut oil can be used for self-care or more intimate caresses, both alone or with a partner.

Enjoy its heavenly fragrance and let your sprit soar...

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